Redesign af visuel identitet bliver rullet ud på nyt website i HubSpot
SaaS-virksomheden, TimeLog, har fået designet en visuel identitet. Her har særligt deres markante logo fået en plads i rampelyset, hvor det er med til at skabe genkendelighed og bidrage med lækre detaljer.
I samme omgang har TimeLog fået udviklet et nyt website i HubSpot, hvor der blandt andet blev skræddersyet 4 forskellige blog templates for at opfylde deres behov for funktionalitet og overblik både internt og for deres kunder.

Project type
HubSpot CMS
Services in the project
Design, web development, special coding of blog template

TimeLog gets optimal conditions to achieve their ambitions with a new website in HubSpot
TimeLog is a SaaS company that helps other companies make time tracking a breeze. They wanted a website that both visually and in terms of user experience lived up to their product and their big ambitions for future growth. And then the red thread had to shine through clearly on all sides to support the brand and create recognisability.
After a close collaboration and strong partnership, all TimeLog's wishes are now fulfilled on their new website in HubSpot. Here, their logo plays a prominent role, where the pink color and the highly recognizable flower are used to create a common thread across all modules.
Care has been taken with the details on the website, where special coding has also been used to create a complete user experience. A small detail is the buttons that change when the cursor is held over them.
The result

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

Impressive work
Nothing else matters

ballisagers forside

Impressive work
Nothing else matters
Special coding of the blog template gives a greater overview and an even better user experience
As a starting point, there is only one blog template included when you find a website theme in HubSpot. But that wasn't enough for TimeLog. So we had to go to the keyboard and start the coding work, so that they could get as many as 4 different templates with different looks, functions and segmentation options. This gives TimeLog a unique opportunity to create clarity for both their visitors and themselves, when their heaps of different content and knowledge must be kept up-to-date and dynamic.
TimeLog's specially coded templates let them create customized experiences in their universes centered around: Blog, Resources, Cases and Integrations.
TimeLog's specially coded templates let them create customized experiences in their universes centered around: Blog, Resources, Cases and Integrations.