
EA-Connect has developed their new website in HubSpot CMS Starter. The result is a brilliant example of how complete a website you can get with one of HubSpot's smaller packages.
EA-Connect's website had become outdated and no longer met their needs or growth ambitions. Therefore, they went in search of new opportunities where the website would be able to grow with them and they would easily be able to maintain it themselves.
The choice ended up falling on HubSpot, where with the HubSpot CMS Starter they got a lot of website for the money. And then they have plenty of opportunity to upgrade their solution when the need arises - without having to start all over again.

The result

ea-connect - forside - top
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - product solutions
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - blog
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - sektioner
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - sektion og slider-1
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - cases
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - kontakt
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
ea-connect - pop up
Impressive work
Nothing else matters