Copenhagen Academy of Digital Arts (CADA) has had their WordPress website migrated to HubSpot, so they have everything in one place.
CADA wanted to start using HubSpot to work purposefully with automation. In this connection, they wanted to collect everything in HubSpot for the sake of convenience, but they were actually quite satisfied with their existing website in WordPress. Fortunately, it wasn't a problem.
Instead of having to create a new website from scratch, we ensured a smooth and efficient migration into HubSpot. CADA therefore now has a website that matches their previous website 1-to-1 - but where the synergy of bringing everything together in HubSpot can be clearly felt. Therefore, they can easily connect marketing automation and sales to their website.
CADA logo

The result

cada-edu - forside top
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
cada-edu - semester overview
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
Cada-edu - sliderfunktion
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
cada-edu - sektioner og video
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
cada-edu - kontakt
Impressive work
Nothing else matters
cada-edu - video
Impressive work
Nothing else matters